Thursday, May 28, 2015

Support Local Business Day
Coming Soon

Let The World Explode As We Introduce ...
- Support Local Business Day -
[ This program will be added to Crowd Rush Hour ]

Look at The Numbers Of What This Amazing Program Can Do!

Wow !!! ... Checkout the numbers below that are primarily U.S.A based ...

*1. Black Friday: Did over $9,000,000,000 ($9 Billion) in sales.
*2. Small Business Saturday: Did over $5,500,000,000 ($5.5 Billion) in sales.
*3. Cyber Monday: Did Over $2,000,000,000 ($2 Billion) in sales.

What Would Happen If You Could Add The Rest Of The World to Those Numbers Above?

But There's a Problem !!!!

Problem 1 ... Each one of these events is only ONE-DAY, per-year.

Problem 2 ... Local businesses and entrepreneurs may benefit. But it's still only one-time per year.

Problem 3 ... If you're NOT a major retailer, it doesn't do much for you.

We Cracked-The-Code. Problem Solved !!!!

Imagine something similar to those events but not just once yearly. But rather, each and every month! AND. It's targeted towards LOCAL businesses and LOCAL entrepreneurs. Introducing: "Support Local Business Day." The program will be comprised of many things.

1. FREE membership for local businesses and entrepreneurs (from sponsors).

2. Cool upgrades that can generate significant cash-flow.

3. Ongoing content to help businesses grow.

4. Local Sponsorships.

5. National Sponsorships.

6. International Sponsorships.

7. Crowd Rush Hour Platform (optional) and other business services available.

8. Support Local Business Day - Social Network.

Business People, Entrepreneurs and Sponsors Can Really Benefit.

Entrepreneurs ... Such as Networkers, B2B Sales People, Media Outlets and Business Organizations that relate to businesses will be in perfect positioning. Our product (with the upgrades), can produce massive revenue while HELPING other businesses and business people worldwide (see profit examples below).

Businesses and Business People ... The benefits, prestige and services that come with "Support Local Business Day" can help your business grow and in many cases, lower operating expenses.

Sponsors ... Bring "awareness" to your specific sponsorship needs. All though it's to early to have exact demo's, as you can see, the primary demographic will be entrepreneurs, executives and local business owners. Sponsorships can be done in many ways. Anywhere from cash (grants) to help fuel the "buzz machine" or product giveaways to "Support Local Business Day" subscribers and so on. We are open to unique sponsorship opportunities. Either way. Becoming a sponsor means you'll get a potential 24/7/365 exposure to our subscribers. Dollar-for-Dollar, it's a far better buy than paying out a lot of money for 1 or 2 day events.

How Do Entrepreneurs, Media Outlets and Business Organizations
Generate Cash-Flow From This Program?

This is accomplished by offering "Support Local Business Day" upgrades ...

Upgrade #1 ... $295 Annually. You receive a $200 direct-sale payment paid directly to you in real-time.

Upgrade #2 ... $595 Annually. You receive a $400 direct-sale payment paid directly to you in real-time.

Upgrade #3 ... $1200 Annually. You receive a $1000 direct-sale payment paid directly to you in real-time.

Upgrade #4 ... $2500 Annually. You receive a $2000 direct-sale payment paid directly to you in real-time.

When you "invite" someone to "Support Local Business Day," YOU, as the inviter, will receive the above payment structure. However, you are only paid on the upgrade you are at. Example: If you're at upgrade #1, And someone goes to Upgrade #2, that payment will seek the next qualified representative.

Please Note: People cannot bypass upgrades. In other words, In order to get to Upgrade #2, they first have to purchase Upgrade #1 and so on.

What Does This Accomplish? ... It gives entrepreneurs the chance to make good upfront cash while building their Crowd Rush Hour business or any other business for that matter.

Important Example: If you sold one (1) "Support Local Business Day" subscription per-day, that basically would be $1,000 per-week starting right out of the gate (monday-friday). The complete "Support Local Business Day" information (when completed), will do all the selling for you.

Who's Your Primary Sales Market? ... Entrepreneurs who are seeking quick cash-flow (as they are paid in real-time), B2B organizations seeking to add-an-income-stream for their organization, media outlets looking to generate more revenue through their unsold airtime or ad space. Attn: Media Outlets ... Think of it in terms of a PSA (public serice announcment) that can pay you a lot more than if you were charging for the airtime or ad space. When you combine it with "Crowd Rush Hour" it really does become the gift that keeps on giving.

Crowd Rush Hour Paid Subscribers

Will Be "Comped" In At Upgrade #1

[ Limited Time ]

So How Does "Support Local Business Day"

Actually Work To Help Local Businesses?


It's a simple concept ... What we ask the general population to do is on every 3rd Friday of the month,

make a purchase from a local merchant. This one small gesture can literally SAVE and CREATE 1000s

of jobs worldwide. In short, it's a brilliant idea to draw more attention to the need for helping local

businesses survive. After all. Local businesses are the LARGEST employers in the world.

It's a strong movement - The reason we've added the business opportunity

aspect, is so that it will become much more viral andyou can take advantage of that.

Businesses will receive posters and signage to promote the fact that they're

a Local Merchant and should be supported. They can even run specials

on "Support Local Business Day" just like Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday.

Furthermore, local businesses can also achieve even greater success by inviting

other local businesses they may know. Again, it's a win-win situation.


- Here's What We Are Seeking -

1. People who can provide business content (in exchange for linking to your website). It's like becoming a contributor or columnist.

2. Do you have a STRONG product or service free version with value? If so, we can give it to every merchant and in exchange, you'll have a link to your website for upgrades and cross-selling.

3. We are also looking for entrepreneurs that would like the rights to their country for "Support Local Business Day." We are currently seeking "deposits" to lockup your region. Countries will range from $15,000 - $50,000 and a 20% deposit is required. Interested?Call 408-734-4748 and we'll get back to ASAP.

4. We are also open to other unique promotions and marketing to expand "Support Local Business Day" awareness.

5. Seeking promotion and sponsorship candidate to work directly with us. Excellent commissions andequity. Successful experience in sponsorship sales required. Serious inquiries only. Just think of the possibilities on a worldwide basis.

Thanks for stopping by ...

Leslie Robert Wolfe,

Founder, Crowd Rush Hour

Commissioner, Chamber Of Commerce Network

Director, Support Local Business Day

*1 Black Friday Source: ShopperTrak

*2 Small Business Saturday Source: Forbes Magazine (online).

*3 Cyber Monday Source: Fortune Magazine (online).

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