Thursday, September 3, 2015

80 percent of all jobs are filled before they are ever advertised

This is what you get through responding to an ad:
 Zero competitive stance.
 Zero negotiating power.
 Adversarial interviews.
 All for what is probably not a plum position.

Phase One: People "in the know" refer people they know. casual conversations, HR in the dark.

Phase Two: People "in the know" continue referrals, HR still in the dark but the requisition is in process

Phase Three: HR posts position on company site, job boards, to headhunters and is inundated with resumes.

Awakening to this, why would someone ever pursue job search overtly, applying for jobs like everyone else? Doing so is openly declaring that you will accept the dregs of the job world, the scraps of career leftovers thrown out into the alleyways of scrounging, vocational varmints. You’re worth more than that!
Here’s my acronym for the word “Apply”:
Absence of
Your career

If you’re not known by the people in the know, you’re basically without any power or leverage to differentiate yourself from the other lemmings being overtly needy.

You don’t just want to talk to people in companies where there is a current opening, and you also don’t want to wait around until you are unemployed before making those connections. Rather, you want to connect with people far and wide, even if there’s no job available for the moment, all the time and everywhere…because one day you’ll need another opportunity and one day there will be one available where there isn’t one now.

There are 4 pillars upon which your career management should be built, which I call the 4M Method of Career Management:
Meet people, in a
Memorable way, so as to stay top-of-
Mind, and then
Maintain those relationships for life.

This will ensure that you never have to apply for a J.O.B. as long as you consistently maintain your relationships and continue updating your pipeline of job prospects.

Dominion Capital Group, Inc.
Joe Acosta
877 776 4139
Twitter @dominioncapital

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