Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Refuse to be Defeated!

READ THIS TRUE STORY BELOW from One of our new members.
This past Thursday morning (July 23rd) I was broken, defeated, stressed to the max. I was staring at a empty refrigerator and an empty wallet. I had $3.25 to my name that's it. No money in the bank. No money in my wallet and a family of four to feed. I felt like a one inch man.
What was I going to do?
Give up and throw in the towel?
Go beg for my old job back in which I absolutely hated?
Sit around and make excuses for myself?
Let past failures defeat me once again?
I refused to be defeated!
I refused to let past failures keep me from seeing victory!
I refused to make up excuses for myself!
My family needed me to come thru!
So I did.
I started calling, texting and emailing everyone I knew. I was going to see victory no matter what my sacrifice would be. My family deserved more. Nothing was going to stop me. I was going to make it happen no matter what. I had the drive of a lion and the courage of a soldier in battle. No obstacles were too big for me. I didn't care what people thought. With God I CAN do all things. I kept calling and calling and emailing and emailing
until it happened...
5 $2,000 sales in 3 days!
$10,000 DOLLARS!!!
Bottom Line is this...
With a "DRIVE: and a "MINDSET TO WIN" I was able to do more than I thought I could.
YES... YOU can have $10,000 this week!!! How bad do you want it?
Do you believe  YOU  can do more than you think you can?
Do you believe that you and your family deserve more?
Are you willing to set aside everything this week and 100% focus on one thing?
Can you commit to something and follow thru whether you see results or not?
Are you able to look at yourself in the mirror right now and say "I WILL DO WHATEVER IT TAKES"?
If the answer is YES to all those questions then NOW IS THE TIME!!!
If no, then delete this email right now. You've already lost.
Most people can say YES to those 5 questions but only a small percentage
have the drive, the mind set and the work ethic to follow thru with it.
Most defeat themselves with their own thinking before they even begin.
Most start making up excuses before there is a reason to have one.
Most are letting their past failures dictate their future growth.
Most don't have the courage and the drive to step out in faith.
and that's where I'm different... HOW ABOUT YOU?
I'm looking for serious people who are tired of being sick and tired of their financial situation and want to change NOW this week. Not a year from now. Not a month from now but THIS WEEK!!!
Are you willing to do whatever it takes like I did?
My Goal This Year Is The 4hr Work Week!

  More Info Here

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