Friday, June 19, 2015

FCC that allows any good business to raise up to $50M

Today “ultimate entrepreneur” podcast interviews top legal eagle on newest breakthroughs rule that went into effect TODAY from the FCC that allows any good business to raise up to $50-million a year, go public inexpensively, sell stock to non-accredited investors, clients, prospects, employees, vendors, etc.

Epic sea change could transform the entire business and wealth creating future of entrepreneurs and business owners of every kind.

I don’t understand the rules from a legal standpoint so we interviewed one of the top, top, top, legal minds on this breakthrough new law. Plus, because it uses variations of crowdfunding methodology—we also interviewed one of the top 100 most influential people in the crowd funding world on the same subject.

Anybody and everybody with a good business who always wished they could raise capital easily, significantly, and create more assets value and wealth for themselves, family and stake holders should listen to today’s podcast—TODAY!!

The reason why is that… the rule JUST became legal today. The entire double interview is at

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